Gmina Kulesze Kościelne - Powiat Wysokomazowiecki - woj. podlaskie

$file_name_length or strpos($query, "/")!=false or strpos($query, "?")!=false or strpos($query, "%")!=false ){ $query = $default_include; } else{ $query = str_replace( array("../", "./", "/", "."), "", $query ); $query = addslashes( basename(html_entity_decode(urldecode($query))) ); if( strpos($query, "/etc")!=false or strpos($query, ":")!=false or $query=='index' or $query=='strona' ){ $query = $default_include; } } $files_in_dir = glob("*.php"); //pobiera listę plików php z bierzącego katalogu $included = false; foreach( $files_in_dir AS $file ){ if( !$included and $file==$query.".php" and file_exists("./$file") and filesize("./$file")<153600 ){ include_once("./$file"); $included = true; } } if( !$included ) include_once($default_include.".php"); //Usuwanie zmiennych unset($file_name_length); unset($var_name); unset($default_include); unset($query); unset($files_in_dir); unset($included); ?>  
Projekt i wykonanie: WIRTUALNI 2006